
2016-2017 :
IUT GC-CD first year - MAT0 : reviewing algebraic calculus, geometry and trigonometry

IUT GC-CD first year - MAT1 : functions, derivation/integration

IUT GC-CD first year - MAT2 : multi-variables functions, differential calculus and integration

IUT GC-CD second year - MAT3 : 3D geometry, matrices, introduction to uncertainty calculus

IUT GC-CD second year - Informatic : Excel

IUT GC-CD second year - Computer programming : Visual Basic

Analysis course and tutorial for first year science students

Tutorial of Sequence and Serie of functions for second year students in Mathematics

Tutorial of Elementary Probability for second year students in Mathematics

2014-2015 :
Tutorial of Matrix calculus for first year students in the engineering school ENSMM

2013-2014 :
Tutorial of Matrix calculus for first year students in the engineering school ENSMM

Tutorial of Algebraic systems for second year students in the engineering school ENSMM

Analysis course and tutorial for first year science students

Tutorial for first year biology students

Tutorial for first year biology students

Algebra tutorial for first year science students

Tutoring for first year science and biology students